About Me

- Lauren
- Hi! My name is Lauren! I have Cystic Fibrosis and I will blog about whatever I feel like and everyday things that happen to me. I will try to post daily so keep coming back to check! Ask me whatever you want about my life and CF!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
A New Year
Lauren <3
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Chirstmas Plans!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Video Chat Sleepover
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Botanical Gardens!
Monday, December 17, 2012
That would be awesome if we had a blizzard tonight though because I wouldn't have to go to school tomorrow and take my math TEST! But then again I want to take it so I don't have to take it after break when I forget everything that I just learned!
I'm super excited for Christmas! Who isn't! Christmas time is absolutely my favorite time of the year!!!
I hope all of my readers have a wonderful holiday whether you celebrate Christmas or not!!!
(I don't even have any readers hahaahaha) WHATEVERRR #yolo#realtalk#swagmaster
Gossip Girl
hahahahaa jk
Lauren ;)
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Hello! I am currently about to reply to WSU saying that I will be attending their school in fall semester of 2013! I an going to request a dorm as well which I am still in the midst of choosing. My college path is becoming clearer and is approaching with rapid speed. I also came into contact with a local veterinarian who I am planning to job shadow next week for my Culminating Project to graduate! First semester of my senior year is quickly coming to a close so hopefully I can get a few of my grades up in time! Woooohoooo!
Friday, December 14, 2012
It has been a really long week and I am really glad that it is over. My doctor told me that I could have a stress fracture in my lower spine. I hope that it isn't true. Im going to get a MRI sometime next week hopefully to see if there is actually a crack. I haven't been able to gym whichever has made me really sad. We had a home meet last night and a lot of my friends came but I couldn't show them my routines so I was really bummed. Tonight is my gymnastics team's Christmas party! We are doing a white elephant so that should be exciting. I have to go get a gift. I hope my back starts healing. 2 more school days until Christmas Break!!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
I am laying in bed right now and I just installed blogger, the app, on my phone so I can post from wherever I'm at now. I am contemplating my schedule tomorrow and desperately want this week to be over. I have exactly one week left because we have school next monday and tuesday. I cant wait for christmas! It is my favorite time of the year and i love spending it with my amazing family. Better get to sleep! Good night World
My name is Lauren, and this was going to be anonymous, but I decided to just post my first name.
I will be talking about my life with Cystic Fibrosis.
This will sort of be like an online diary that people can read and maybe get advice from.
I hope this helps you with your daily struggles!